My Building Escape after Getting The Player To Open The Door lecture

Hi There!!

In this lecture, we add some code so we don’t need to eject again and again to attach the DefaultPawn.

VS code-

UE Editor(Before play)-

Note: I haven’t attached the component yet.

UE Editor(Afterplay)-

The component is already attached(That’s done programmatically). I’ve ejected myself and checked

The doors open, even though I haven’t attached the PressurePlate.

Keep your focus on the lecture while taking it, a lot of important stuff is explained in it.

Previous lecture: My Building Escape after protecting From A Null Pointer lecture

Thanks for reading,


I like the input you said at the end about keep your focus on the lecture. This is good for learning anything. If you are doing something be focused otherwise you wont actually learn. You won’t have the knowledge cemented in your brain.

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I said that as we are explained the DefaultPawn actor, that’s handy if we want to make our own games.

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