My bouncing lamp animation (1st attemp)

Video editing on Magix Video, postpro on Hitfilm .

This is the raw footage (with Blender, the other was edited before the video editor lecture)


Wow, what was the blue halo ā€¦ ok, I see post production.

Did you know that this effect could also be produced with Blenderā€¦
I donā€™t think it will be part of this online course. But check-out the online video, where you create a light saber.

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Hi Pete!
Yeah, I know Blender is a really powerful program that can be use as a editor and motion graphics apart from 3D but till date I donĀ“t know how to create these effects on it so I used my little bag of tricks as video editor & mographer , lol, to give more ā€œlifeā€ to this animation.
Sure I will check it since IĀ“m here to learn 3D with Blender in order to improve my skills as video editor.
Thanks! I really appreciate your words.

This is the second attemp.
I correct the light and render at 400 cicles , so the quality improves bastly.
Same postpro set with glow & flares.
Lamp Animation

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Yes, nice and smooth. But I liked the purple speckled floor also, as in the first movie. Personal optinion!

ItĀ“s the same floor, maybe the color changed due the light correction ( I reduced it a bit).
IĀ“ll keep playing with it :smiley:
Thanks, your opinion itĀ“s always valuable.

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