My Block Breaker Game

Hi, here’s my final game from the Block Breaker section, I’ve added some screenshots below so you can see if you want to play it or not:

Capture dfgdfgdfg

Here’s the link:

Pretty basic but everything works and seems fine.
Ball seems slow at times but that was with the original code so cool.

The game works! That is an awesome first step toward being a Game Developer. I agree with Peter, the ball seems slow at times. you should think about putting the following code in the GameStatus under the Update method:

void Update()
   if( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.Escape ) )
       SceneManager.LoadScene( "GameOver");

I lost a ball and could not reset the game without refreshing the browser window and peoples gut reaction to that situation is to press the “ESC” key. That is what I did.

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