My Block Breaker game with Power-ups! ;)

It’s mostly the way it was created in the tutorial. I added some things. Most importantly, I added power-ups. Red en green blocks drop more interesting things than yellows. :slight_smile:

I also added some awkward angle correction, that makes sure that the ball always has an angle greater than 20 degrees from the x-axis, to avoid tedious waiting on balls.

I’m sure it’s still riddled with bugs. Sorry about that in advance. :grin:

Nice! The power up are cool! I think adding a nice background image would help the enjoyment of the game!

Tnx! Yes, different BGs would be an simple but effective improvement. Tnx for the tip. :slight_smile:

oh man the power ups are great especially the spawning of the extra ball. I can’t wait to know how to do stuff like that.

Tnx! :smiley:

Once I finished the tutorial, it’s actually pretty easy to add.

Basically all you have to do is instantiate a new ball at on the paddle and call the launch ball code (which you do have to adapt to take a specific ball as a parameter). And you have to change the lose condition. Instead of having the game end when a ball hits the lose collider, I added a ball counter, which gets incremented when a ball is added and decremented when a ball touches the lose collider. If the ball counter hits zero, the game ends. :slight_smile:

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