Holidays are here and family is visiting, so work on the game is slow and steady.
Here’s a few screen shots of some of the progress that I have made. I’m currently focusing on getting all of the paddle types into the game.
Paddle Types so far: Laser Beam, Laser Blasers, Catapult, Archer, Missile Launcher, Lightning, Mini-Shooter, Pinball, Bumper, Dragon, and Magnet.
Players can upgrade paddles as they go, plus I also have a plan to implement some special abilities.
So I’m pretty excited about how it’s coming along.
Big thanks to Ben and Rick for getting me started on this path. What I thought would be a simple throw away game is turning into something super fun, everyone in my house loves to play it
. Looks like I’m going to take it all the way and make a full game with this one.