My Bevel

so I add bevel with Subdivision and there is result.
I Googled that might be problem with the non planar geometry, and these side faces looks like they would be, but I checked all the vertices who construct them and they look to be on the correct coordinates.
I did try all options for Bevel and Subdivision but nothing looks to help.

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Check all the faces are the right way round.

Why use a subdiv modifier at all? Plain rectangles have no real need of it.

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Yes, faces are correct - I checked Normals and tube part of the Stem was twisted, but I flipped them to the right direction.
I wanted to leave only with a bevel, but then surface is more shiny comparing to another parts of the lamp.

I thought below pictures might say something as well, especially how it looks in shading mode without modifiers applied.

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Something strange is up with the cube stem bit.
That whiteness is showing something is odd.

Try cutting the bevel segments to 1 or 2, 4 in such a tiny tiny distance is not likely doing anything good. Especially when the subdiv when active, tries to divide that even smaller!

Is it smooth shaded? If so tick the auto normals box.

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Doncombine two mesh objects in one object, when the object has a subdivision modifier!
Split them into two objects.
Because one needs to be hard-faced shaded and the other soft.

Also, the square object has a face with more than 4 vertices.
This is also problematic for rendering.
Quad faces (4 vertices) is the optimum.

So change any Bevel or Subdivision options doesn’t help to much. Increasing subdivisions worked, but on very high numbers, and defect was still visible but tinier.
The good point I think was to keep it in one shape rather that transform from the Cylinder - but as I remember this is the way made in the course. Anyway, I created new cubic part, extruded and problem still was there. Solution was in two edges going vertically from extruded part to the base (they are selected on the screen shot).
I couldn’t do nothing to previously existed shape, even when I split from the Cylinder it kept the same deformation and was not possible to add Loop Cut.
Thank you for help !


Subdivisions for a flat surface aren’t the way to go. Flat is flat.
For round shapes like the tube, it is the opposite.

But, I’m uncertain what your problem is/was?

Correct approach. And yes, adding a loop cut isn’t possible on faces not having 4 vertices. That why we try to keep quad faces! But Blender has a bunch of other tools to accomplish this. like sub-dividing an edge (creating multiple vertices to connect to. Or the knife tool.

Don’t think too much about this. The experience in this will grow.


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