My best results and recommendations

I performed multiple tests with both GPU and CPU and here are the results:

Width Height Scale Device Tile Width Tile Height Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Time Avg Notes
1920 1080 50% GPU 64 64 01:57.42 01:57.28 01:57.46 01:57.39
1920 1080 50% GPU 128 128 01:39.47 01:39.47 01:39.69 01:39.54
1920 1080 50% GPU 256 256 01:36.60 01:36.59 01:36.65 01:36.61
1920 1080 50% GPU 512 512 01:37.84 01:37.61 01:37.56 01:37.67
1920 1080 50% GPU 120 90 01:40.40 01:39.96 01:40.54 01:40.30 8:6 of scene
1920 1080 50% GPU 240 270 01:34.03 01:34.05 01:33.96 01:34.01 4:4 of scene
1920 1080 50% GPU 480 540 01:36.19 01:35.99 01:36.65 01:36.28 2:2 of scene
1920 1080 50% GPU 960 540 01:38.86 01:38.75 01:38.75 01:38.79 Full scene
1920 1080 50% CPU 8 8 03:15.58 03:15.82 03:16.11 03:15.84
1920 1080 50% CPU 16 16 03:16.24 03:17.23 03:16.15 03:16.54
1920 1080 50% CPU 32 32 03:18.68 03:18.26 03:18.85 03:18.60
1920 1080 50% CPU 64 64 03:24.65 03:26.01 03:25.22 03:25.29
1920 1080 50% CPU 8 9 03:15.49 03:16.14 03:16.43 03:16.02 120:60 of scene

The things I learned are:

When using the GPU:

  • Find the optimal tile size for YOUR GPU.
  • Divide the scene evenly or process power will be wasted on uneven (smaller) tiles.

When using the CPU:

  • Use the “Hilbert Spiral”. “Center” is the slowest.
  • Use the fastest power of 2 tile size as evenly diving the scene had little effect since the smaller the tile, the faster it’ll render.

My system specs are:

  • Intel Core i7 4790
  • AMD Radeon RX 470 4G
  • 16GB DDR3 1600Mhz

Hope this is helpful!

Bonus render using Filmic blender:


Thank You for reply! Today I try with your tiles config and I ll see

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Let me know how it goes! :raised_hands:

OFC man :+1:

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Got a problem How do I set up the Weight and Height?
It is a default size of screen res or Can I set up from blender?

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Anyway I get the best in 240x270 (4:4) scene with GPU 1:23
and best 8x8 with CPU 3:21
BMW27.blend (3.0 MB)
You will find in Text tab :smiley:

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Damn, props for the chart.

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Glad to help! :raising_hand_woman:

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