My ball doesn't roll

My ball doesn’t roll; it slides on the snow :


The handles are not rotating, while Rick’s ball is rolling; his handles are rotating.

Why is… that thing ?

Hi luc2,

Where is the collider? Does the circle game object have got a Rigidbody2D attached? Please share more information.

  • The collider is on the circle.
  • Yes, the circle has a Rigidbody 2D.
  • I did what Rick did in the course : My ball is a Dynamic Sprite.
  • I think the only difference is I’m using a recent version of Unity (2022.3.7f1).

Does your ball roll? If so, it does not matter that the handles don’t rotate because they belong to the bounding box of the sprite, not to the Transform object.

In rare cases, the components are buggy. Disable your current ball and create a new one with new components. Don’t duplicate the old ball.

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