My attempt at Pseudu code

#include "BullCowCartridge.h"

void UBullCowCartridge::BeginPlay() // When the game starts
    Super::BeginPlay(); //Required for the game to start

    //game intro message 
    PrintLine(TEXT("Welcome friend I bet you have come to win the pasture teasure."));
    PrintLine(TEXT("I will tell you where in the field you can find it but......."));
    PrintLine(TEXT("You will have to win my challenage first"));

    //Gather the hidden word from a list
    HiddenWord = TEXT("House"); //need hidden word list

    //set lives

    //testing purpose show the hidden word that has been selected

    //Ask for a guess at a word
    PrintLine(TEXT("I am thinking of an Isogram you must guess it right in 4 trys."));
    PrintLine(TEXT("The word I am thinking of is 5 character long")); 
    //later replace 5 with a variable to show the characters in the word 
    //randomly choosen
    PrintLine(TEXT("Good Luck what do you think the word is?"));

void UBullCowCartridge::OnInput(const FString& Input) // When the player hits enter
    //testing purpose only shows what the user entered to confirm input if functioanl

    //check if its isogram if it is not route to guess again function with cause

    //check letter count if it is not right, route to guess again function with cause

    if(Input == HiddenWord)
        PrintLine(TEXT("Great job you guessed right"));
        PrintLine(TEXT("incorrect try again"));
        //if lives is greater then 0
        //--lives for the fail
        //route to guess again and update lives
        //else lives is 0 go to play again function
        //clear the screen of the guess if its incorrect


//play again Function if user selects yes clearscreen fully and restart at begin play
//if user selects no quit application

//Guess again Function that displays the past guess and game information but has
//removed the welcome message

Amazing pseudo code!

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