My Assets for a Museum in Blender

I want to build a small Museum in Blender as my Assets Pack.
So here I post my progress in that :slight_smile:

For now I have a very rough sketch :wink:
and some first impressions out of blender coming soon…


So here is some closeup view of the museum from the outside with
some textures already applied to it.
It’s not the final image but near to it.


And a wide angle inside view.
With some placeholder elements at the moment.
Was going for a mediterran stil.


Well done !
I like the outside view, but missing some grass on the ground.

Thanks for the input its not done yet, i will consider placing some grass :slight_smile:

So here are the final renders.
It’s still not done but I want to move on to the next lecture :wink:
So I quit working on that for now.


Good job! You have added grass, makes a big difference :wink:

I had the same feeling, "moving to the next lecture ". You can spend days of tweaking and improving stuff.

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