My animal scene

It took me a lot of time to get here and I still see a lot of things that could be fixed. But my computer becomes less and less happy each time I’m adding a new particle system, so here is my progress by now.


it looks so real…im doubting whether its a google image :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Very nice action posed dog.

Super critical points of a great scene.
One can tweak for ever. I find the eyes a bit ‘wrong’ too white perhaps? But it may just be right for that type of dog.

Nice grass including seed headed taller bits. Could take ages tweaking them. Some look too flat topped clumps. Clumps tend to flop outwards, whole areas keep a flat topped self supporting area upright.
The lighting is possibly not shadowy enough for a bright blue sky day. too much environment light not enough sun possibly?

Thanks! That’s some very useful tips!
The problem with the eyes is that I was using a human eye texture, snd I had to skale it a lot to get the dog-like eyes, so the whole area with blood vessels i far behind. I could correct this one.
Also will try to improve the other aspects.
It’s very nice to have someone’s fresh look!

Thank you! :blush:

Glad to help. I just googled dog eyes. It seems from a cursory glance at the image page that you rarely see the white of a dog’s eye at all. What we see is almost entirely iris and pupil. Check it out.

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