My alternate way of doing the knight

Instead of the method shown in the lecture I traced the outline of the knight by extruding vertices and turned it into a face and extruded that. Got what i was looking for, though it makes it look somewhat flat compared to the one in the lecture.

And here is the edit mode version


A face like your knight can be problematic!
But it depends on your next steps.

Have fun.

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This is one of the most challenging tasks to do the knight at this stage of the course. Well done!

if you want the knight to not be as flat - you can use knife tool and add additional edges and then move them around on the y.

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Getting a silhouette right is a good way of making a shape look the way you want. You can choose a design that is flat to avoid the difficulty of making the shape 3D but the point of the lesson is to learn and experience how to do that. There are lots of ways to get to an end in Blender, lots of ways to fit an end to a way of working too.

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My first idea is to make it hollow inside with thick edges

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This idea sounds sexy. I would like to see that

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