Here’s a 2nd game i’ve decided to make with everything i’ve learned form the 2D course, while starting the 3D course 2 weeks ago, the game took me around 1 week to complete from start to finish, had around 1hour + each night.
Its sort of a different implementation to the Rocket game (2nd game you create in the 3D course), while trying to keep the initial controls of thrust and rotate intact as much as i could, i actually found it funny.
I’ve changed the main player char from Rocket to a little Dragon.
- There are 4 levels (5 including the warm-up/tutorial), and each level is a different season, you start in summertime
- there are 2 difficulty levels - Easy and Hard, easy is the default
- i’ve completed it on both difficulties a couple of times, so its definitely possible !
- you can always press “ESC” to go back to main menu
Gave credits to all i could/should, i’ve used a polygon pack that i’ve bought a long time ago.
Hope you enjoy, would love to hear some feedback, i’ve just started diving into GameDev 3 months ago or so, and i have about 1 hour to work/learn every night since i’m always swamped in RL work.