Quite a while ago I have been getting pretty far in this course and building a relation ship with the community. I had to stop because I had to get more space for my computer, unfortunately i didn’t continue because i was also doing unreal and i got stressed with all the work. I’m starting over with the muscle orc this time. I know he’s harder but this time I’m focusing more on the learning. I look forward to completing this Orc!
Yes, there is soo much to study on.
Think about what you really like to do.
Is it designing or developing (coding)?
If it’s coding, then think about using third-party 3D objects and just focus on game development. It’s helpful to know what it takes to make a 3D object. But doing both is really hard work. And remember Triple A studios do have hundreds of people working on a single game release. Or seek a partner.
Well started.
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