Multiresolution issue

After applying base a strange thing happened. I checked my normals for orientation, everything is fine.

What I also noticed is that after subdividing this line appears, mirror modifier was applied, however, this seam can’t be evened with any brush

Press Ctrl+Z and the point that you have done will undo.

Check for an internal face?


That is that problem, indeed! I just wonder how this might happened. There was an internal face along the seam! But the problem with strange geometry after base applying is still present.

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I am not sure whats causing that other issue as i cant recreate it here.
It may be easier at this point just to remake the loincloth as the scale is applied and the origin is fine.
All i can think of atm is its bugged from where the internal face was or there are more underlying issues that we cannot see atm

Thank you! I managed to find out that there was an overlapping geometry which caused such behaviour :slight_smile:

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My pleasure glad its solved and you can continue the course now.

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