-When I type in “planet” it does not give me any text after it asking if I want to play again.
-When I type in “hi” or something smaller than 6 characters, it gives me this: http://prntscr.com/fxi15t
-When I enter a not-isogram, it does not say to enter a word without repeating letters.
-When I enter an all capital word, it does not say to enter all lowercase characters.
I was really enjoying the course and it sucks to stop because of these errors. If anyone could point out what is wrong that would be awesome! Probably something really obvious and I’m blind. Links to pastebin for code below:
main.cpp: https://pastebin.com/JhUfLWdB
FBullCowGame.h: https://pastebin.com/1uUhkbiU
FBullCowGame.cpp: https://pastebin.com/8UczhR1i
Thanks in advance.