Multiplayer enemies


thank you for the course,
i have a question tho, what would be the best approach for enemies using NGO (unity) ?
I’m doing the tank tutorial, but for now there’s only human players.

what would be the best approach for a coop game with lots of AI enemies?

it would be awesome to add a little chapter on that subject.

Hi Austin,

As its beyond the scope of the course which is multiplayer pvp we probably wont be adding AI as AI is also a whole course in itself.
However we will be adding teams so in theory you could do this with adding all players to one team and AI to the other team.
There would need to be checks that the AI does not attack each other but mostly that would be done independent of NGO.

The documentation will probably be your best bet on that after the final section is completed.

Hope this helps guide you to options.

I understand it’s beyond of the scoope of this course, but I think this forum is a good place to think about additional thought and questions.

I’m just wondering how to handle 2 coop players and for instance 30 enemies ? (not the IA logic, but how to implement it for multiplayer).

My first guess would be to deal with the logic on the server side (for instance, the enemies wake up if we enter in their trigger, or we could check the distance between them and the player).

Then, we would sync the transform and the animation on every client (for the enemies that are awake) ?

I’m wondering if it’s not going to be to slow and laggy.

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I havent looked into it but there are a couple of sample projects and one seems to indicate that it “MAY” contain AI but i havent looked into it myself.
If it is what you are looking for or at least gives you a starting point please do let me know :slight_smile:

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