Multiplayer Bugs(Netcode For GameObjects)

So I have been getting problems with Netcode.
Originally there were only issues with a skipping mechanic, but I noticed its worse than that.

  1. Bug/Issue:
    I´m getting even weirder bugs:
public void PlayerWantsToSkipTurn()
        if (GetOwnership() && IsClient)
            Debug.Log("Client " + IsClient + "; Server " + IsServer + "; Host " + IsHost);

            //if (GetWantsToSkipState() && !unitsThatWantToEndTurnList.Contains(this))
            //    foreach (Unit unit in LevelGrid.Instance.GetAllUnitList())
            //    {
            //        unit.AddWantsToSkipList(this);
            //    }

            //if (!GetWantsToSkipState() && unitsThatWantToEndTurnList.Contains(this))
            //    foreach (Unit unit in LevelGrid.Instance.GetAllUnitList())
            //    {
            //        unit.RemoveWantsToSkipList(this);
            //    }

            //while (beforechangeWantsToSkipState == GetWantsToSkipState())

            foreach(Unit teamTurnUnits in LevelGrid.Instance.GetTeamTurnUnits())
                if (teamTurnUnits.GetWantsToSkipState())
                Debug.Log(teamTurnUnits.GetWantsToSkipState() + "|Actually:" + GetWantsToSkipState());


The Rpc isn´t even getting called anymore, what is happening?
On the Host it works, but not on the Client and I checked with Debug.Log() .
Its even worse, somehow there is no error like that you can´t call an ServerRpc as a Server, no errors but it just never gets to run why is that?
This is the ServerRpc:

   [ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
    private void SetSkipStateServerRpc()
        Debug.Log("1. " + wantsToSkip.Value);
        wantsToSkip.Value = !wantsToSkip.Value;
        Debug.Log("2. " + wantsToSkip.Value);
  1. Bug/Issue:
    I have wrote a Mineplacement Script and all worked fine but then:
public override void TakeAction(GridPos gridPos, Action onActionComplete)
        if (!IsClient) return;

        this.placePos = LevelGrid.Instance.GetWorldPos(gridPos);
        clonedObj = Instantiate(placeObj, placePos, Quaternion.identity);
        teamTurnId = GetComponent<Unit>().GetCurrentTeamId();

So kind of the same thing, on the host all workes fine but not on the Client, as I wrote it I made a ServerRpc so that both, the Host and the Client can place them on the Network. But everytime I run it, it says something like: NullReferencExeption for the clonedObject but it is saved into a Variable:

    private GameObject clonedObj;

Probably I did something wrong, with the Code, maybe its all some error outside the code and more like configuration error. So if anybody can help me, I would appreciate it.
I am using Unity 2021.3.16f, I know that there is a newer version but I didn´t bothered updating.
I think I am using the newest version of Netcode: 1.1.0

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