Multi-Process Rendering

So I attempted to segregate my CPU from my GPU (and even attempted to separate my two GPU’s) and managed to do it.

However, I found out something interesting:

I may have cut my 50 minutes down to 42 minutes, based off of 30 frame rendering tests and applied to my larger work as an estimate. But with each new rendering animation process, each slowed down. When I had all three, the process seemed to come close to triple, while with 2, come close to double. Yet, as you can see, there still was a gain: so less then tripled and doubled. Otherwise I would be at about 50 minutes each time.

Perhaps because my computer trying to handle different processes, and does not have the power to do so, it increases the times?

Blender always uses CPU for material and texture calculations (doing maths material nodes). The GPU does the number-crunching of large data (cycles tiles). So, even if you say, use GPU, Blender still needs the CPU for more math-related stuff.
If you have only a CPU then all processing goes to the CPU. If you activate GPU, the main part of the render goes to the GPU.

You can optimize Cycles (tiles size). But it’s not a one size fits all solution. For each scene (different objects, light, materials), you need to calculate the most optimal Cycles render settings. It changes depending on the rendered scene.

What I did was starting two Blender sessions. One running CPU Only the other GPU only. Rendering ODD and EVEN frames. But I canceled this technique, because my laptop got cooked (overheated).


I suspected that they were interrelated somehow.

I found that at a small resolution a certain render size would seem more appropriate than at a higher resolution. And again, I found that certain scenes took longer than others. I suspected that it was because of the complexity of them.

I can imagine. If my computer could can run hot, how much more so with laptops?

What has crossed my mind is that there are 3 other computers in my household, and another that I know of, all laptops of course. If I had ever needed to I could commandeer them and direct them to my purposes. However, unlike the instructor, I do not think I would have such liberty to do so. Besides, none of them are actually built to handle a 3d modelling program, where as I built this one to be able to handle it decent enough.

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