Muh render times

dual xeon 5620
1070 overclocked

8x8 4.07
256x256 7:59

256x256 1.02
256x256 second time 1:23 third 1:25
512x512 1.0
480x 540 1:16 second time 1:19
490x270 1:23.23
Times keep getting worse the more tests I run. Something weird is going on. Thermal throttling maybe? But in msi afterburner the temp maxed out at 55c. It also seems way slower than other 1070s on here.

Ok so i set Opensubdiv compute to none instead of cpu where it was before

480x540 57:56 second 1.03.13 third 59.95
512x512: 1:03
256x356: 1.00
490x270: 59.06

Much better

I got a riser card and added in my old 660. I was getting slower times until I adjusted the tile size.

Multi gpu

128x128: 1.01.83

I started using an addon called auto tile size
240x180: 52.77 53.16 53.23
480x270: 51.51 50.94

single 1070
480x270 101.18
240x180: 103.57

Looks like it cut about 10 seconds off, which is good I guess, but was hoping for more.

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