I’ve gotten the forward/backward movement working, but not the rotation. I think this is because the Z of MoveVelocity/ForwardIntention is too high. It’s currently at .391. I’ve noticed that when I move the Nav Mesh Bounds Volume up and down, the Z value changes. (If I make the Nav Mesh much lower or higher, Z of MoveVelocity goes up even more, to as high as ~.9.)
Am I chasing a red herring, or is there some trick to Nav Mesh placement so that your path-finding vector Z is closer to 0?
Why do I think this high Z value is breaking rotation? If I put my tank perpendicular to the AI tank, here are my vectors:
LogTemp: Warning: Tank_BP2_1012: CurrentTankForward: X=1.000 Y=-0.010 Z=-0.000
LogTemp: Warning: Tank_BP2_1012: Forward intention: X=0.035 Y=0.339 Z=0.940 <-- I’d expect this to have Y closer to 1 and Z closer to 0
LogTemp: Warning: Intend turn throw: X=0.010 Y=0.940 Z=-0.34
My theory is that with a Z value so low, there isn’t enough throw to overcome the friction. If I multiply it by five, I see fast spinning, but at the current value I see no rotation at all.
(I’ve also set AcceptanceRadius very low, to rule that out as a problem.)