Movement and bullets seem off


I’m having trouble with my ship’s movement and the way the bullets are travelling. I believe I’ve followed the tutorials faithfully, however when I fly left or right, the ship will stay slightly rotated even after taking my finger off the key. In the inspector, there is no rotation applied and I thought maybe it was just the camera creating an illusion, however the bullets are also acting strangely. Below is an video showing this:

I’ve saved a google doc of the player.cs script here:

Any help would really be appreciated.

Particle settings:
Duration: .2
Gravity Modifier: 0
Simulation Space: World
Shape: Cone
Angle: 0
Radius: 0.01

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Mine are also acting strange, though not like that. Mine fire off in a variety of directions… I think more time for playing around with settings is needed!.

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