Hello! You have fantastic courses and I never had any issues, but this time I’m unapologetically stuck.
When I’m trying to move as AutonomousProxy my car moves a little and then resets to original position.
It seems this is happening because it isn’t moving on the server.
Here is the video:
What would be the best way to log out if info has been received by the server via Server_SendMove_Implementation?
I have made this log in MovementComponent::SimulateMove
if (GetOwner()->GetRemoteRole() == ENetRole::ROLE_AutonomousProxy)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Throttle: %f, SteeringThrow: %f, Force: %d"), InMove.Throttle, InMove.SteeringThrow, Force.Size());
It was indicating that SteeringThrow and Throttle were processed correctly.
Both components have “ReplicationEnabled = true”;
As far as I can see, my code is nearly identical to Sam’s, please help.