More Unity Physics - Buoyancy for a Realistic Ocean

This idea might supplement the course already released on game engine physics.

This section would cover a little on vectors, linear algebra, and how to make things float in an ocean created in Unity from scratch.

Example outline:

  • How to make objects float in a body of water
    -Rigid bodies (rigidbody.addforce)
    -Vector3 force
  • Make objects drag (only the underwater parts of the object)
    -Box colliders - knowing where the edges are and the underwater center
  • Account for the surface area of the objects
    -Skinny objects float to the surface quicker than long, flat objects
    - Raycasting
  • Do all of the above on rolling waves
    -Create waves that don’t take a ridiculous amount of processing
  • Implement a feature for moving an object (like a boat) through these waves and other objects
  • Maybe even character swimming underwater?

I really think specific suggestions like these are very useful in helping to plan out a Physics course. Physics is such a wide topic, that it’s useful to see what physics problems people want to address on their games.

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