"More to come..." ? (Extra Listing)

Hello! Tagging @Marc_Carlyon. (Sorry, Marc.)

There’s still a “More to Come…” listing for this section, but I think the course is all up now. Last I checked with Lucy the final course items were the Blender 4 update video and the Double Swipe, so I think that “More to Come” in the Basic Human Rig section can be removed.

Unless there actually is more coming?



ha - thought the same the other day.

Is there a course that addresses grease pencils? Or how to make short movies in blender? Managing cameras, scenes, etc. Or make movies with Blender assets in game engines or e.g., DaVinci Resolve.

I think there’s a game engine cinematics course that either just launched or is coming soon (Unity, if I remember correctly), but you might be better off asking that in a different thread/category.

As for grease pencil, as far as I know they haven’t done one on GDTV though there is a course out there on it that exists (different school though).

In either case, I’d ask in the course suggestions area or on Discord maybe. I really only put this here so it would be out of the way and they’d clear the listing on this specific course haha.

The GameDev Roadmap lists a Blender Visual Effects Course as Coming Soon… perhaps that’s what you’re thinking of when you mentioned “game engine cinematics”?

Regardless, I’d love to see a Grease Pencil course, too :smiley:.

Between Grease Pencil 3.0, Geometry Nodes, and Simulation Nodes, I feel like Blender 4.x is bringing maturity to a lot of amazing features – and making them ripe for new courses to start exploring :muscle:

Not sure how old that Roadmap page is. Looks like it is the course with the Orc at night that has been unpublished on Udemy at least.

Unfortunately, that road map is pretty outdated. Blender Visual Effects has been out for a while.

The course about cinematics I was referring to was posted to their IG on November 27th. It’s still on the way I think.

I’m going to mark this as solved since it seems like Marc has seen it. This wasn’t meant to be a course suggestion thread, just about this specific class and the fact that there’s an extra listing in this section. The course suggestion thread is elsewhere on the site.

There is a new Geometry Nodes course though, so if that’s something that interests you, you should definitely check it out. And I’m sure they’ve got more on the way. :slight_smile:

(Edit: And it is fixed! Hooray! Thank you!)


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