More than one income, morale and strike fund - UI Text (video)

Hi. New step of my refinery defense project. Rotten tomatoes strikers now have resources to manage :abacus:

As explained in the game design document, I plan to use more than one resource. So, in addition to « Gold », I also code the morale :muscle:t5:

Each time a gendarme reaches the « refinery » (please be kind, it’s still obviously in the fog for now :grin:), morale drops :weary: ; the strike fund is increasing every second (thanks to donations via the internet and social networks) and more strikers can join the fight :moneybag: ; morale increases each time a gendarme retreats :tomato: ; and the game ends when we reach 1000 morale :trophy:

The gameplay loop is quite basic but I liked to go a bit further than the course :blush:
Nice first week of work, I can’t wait to continue!


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