More reliable way to import incompatable assets into newer engine

So, i have seen even instructors telling people to import incompatable assets into a project that is on an older engine then migrate… personally, ive had off and on issues using migrate, but I wanted to point out a more reliable method to put older assets into newer engines (can’t guarantee the asset will work, but this is faster and easier for those who do not know it)

here you see this is an older asset, you can click the ‘Add to Project’ even if it isn’t compatable, then at top of popup, check the box to ‘show all projects’

go down to your project you want the asset in and select it,

then just change the engine version in the dropdown box to a compatable engine version.

(hope the screenshots work out)… but i find this faster and more reliable - and I seen alot of people suggest migrating to move incompatable assets into newer engines.

Hope this is a helpful tip for some people :slight_smile:

I keep a project specifically for migrating from older projects. The issue is usually code that is not compatible and won’t migrate in, like the original project for multiplayer, it will just not work and cause a lot of errors. The advantage of this technique is you can move just a little bit of the asset pack instead of the entire asset pack. I have some texture packs that are 200mb plus and if I need a single material, it is easier to just add that material in rather than all of them.

If it just just models, audio etc, this shouldn’t be a problem. The issue is when you have C++ or blueprint code.

It’s pros and cons to both approaches. Opening a ue5 project for me takes just a few seconds so it is pretty fast.

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