More Intuitive Solution, Not Sure If Ideal However

// Called when the game starts
void UOpenDoor::BeginPlay()

	InitialYaw = GetOwner()->GetActorRotation().Yaw;
	TargetYaw = 90.f;


// Called every frame
void UOpenDoor::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);

	CurrentYaw = GetOwner()->GetActorRotation().Yaw;
	FRotator OpenDoor;
	OpenDoor.Yaw = FMath::Lerp(CurrentYaw, InitialYaw + TargetYaw , 0.02f);


I found the example method in the video a little difficult to follow, but this is what I came up with when I tried it myself before watching. By initializing InitialYaw and TargetYaw in BeginPlay, and then constantly updating CurrentYaw, you are able to lerp between CurrentYaw and (InitialYaw + Target Yaw). This functions perfectly, just wondering if it’s as performant or if there is anything wrong with the solution I’m not seeing. Thank you!

Also, I am aware I can initialize TargetYaw to InitialYaw + 90.f in begin play, so it’s not calculating InitialYaw + TargetYaw every tick. I’ve already changed this in my code. Is there anything else anyone can spot about my code that might not be as performant?

This is a good solution to this. You can improve performance by adding if statement when it finished moving then it stops doing this math.

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