Mordhorst van Peachenstein on a day off

This is Mordhorst van Peachenstein, art historian & collector of fine goods. Usually he is on tour with his backpack, but after the last mission he decided to take a few days off in one of his lairs.
He likes to play the guitar to relax:

The dragon is handpainted, still somehow low poly and completely rigged. I did not scuplt on him, just the base of the head had been a sculpt initially but I decimated the tris quite a lot.

If you enjoyed Van Peachenstein on the guitar feel free to leave him some love on youtube :wink:


Welcome back Jack!

Very nice, and fun guitar playing dragon!

Hi there NP5,
thank you! It always feels fine to get back here :slightly_smiling_face:
I entered the Peachtober on instagram and since then I had quite a lot of creative stuff going on; half drawings, the other half blender works.
Van Peachenstein is a charcter I am quite happy with, although he can’t move his mouth.
Well, maybe he will learn one day - he will sure enough get enough possibilities :grin:


Well if he ever learns to move his mouth, then he’ll be a guitar playing and singing dragon. :grinning: That would definitely be fun to see.


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Highly agreed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Hi Pete!
wow, that’s some coincidence that the recent topic fits :open_mouth:
Thanks for the hint :slight_smile:

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