Modular siege engines complete!

and here marks the 30% completion point of the course! i still had fun on this part and i did learn some new things even hit my first of likely many roadblocks! though admittedly i am really looking forward to the character creation part of the course next though i felt like i could have done a bit better for modular design i am not very great at in terms of swappable siege weapons but i am still keeping to my method of improvement il still make my own variations of what the course shows and still do my own separate slightly more advanced version to keep learning and progressing the character creation is an orc that i know and plan to make one similar to one from Warcraft but for my character i plan on making a model for a yugioh card! (i still need to work on my shot composition though i will take any pointers i can get for that)


Very nice set of modular vehicles.
Not much you can do as a shot without going further and creating a world for them to be in. Just arrange them for clarity of showing them off.

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