Modular House Convert To Mesh issue


I’m going through the Blender environmental artist course. I’m about 78% complete. I’m currently on the video “Organise & Build a House”. I’m at about the 55 second mark in the video where you convert the bay window area to a mesh. When I do the conversion, all the details on the wall modulars disappear. I’ve attached before and after screen shots as well as a YouTube video link so you can see the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Before convert screen shot

After convert screen shot

Video link
Convert To Mesh Issue

Leif W

1 Like

It looks strange.

I didn’t do the course, but I find the step convert “Curve from mesh/text” very strange.

Meaning you want to convert a mesh (like a face with four sides) into a curve (a line ), then there are no faces anymore …

Also you’re using Blender 2.83, which is old. Check the version the teachers is using, because a lot of functions are renamed, relabeled, and different menu. etc.

2.8 was the start of a new Blender UI, and since then a lot of changes in behavior.

You can install multiple versions of Blender ! Old ones 2.83 and new ones 3.2.1

Hi FedPete

I messed up. I selected the wrong convert method. Please don’t look into this any further. I apologize for my mistake. I will delte this post.

Leif W.


Just keep it. in case someone else has a similar problem.
We all are learning here !

Glad you’ve asked. Now you can continue.

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