Modifier information

When discussing the Subdivision Surface modifier the Render amount is neglected. It should be noted that this is an important value. Some issues I have had with my renders not matching what the viewport showed, was because the viewport number was higher than the render number. Ensuring to mention that the render number can crash the computer just as easily as the viewport number can.

Would also suggest moving the quick discussion of the modifier order to right before adding the mirror modifier.

Modifiers are a huge topic and it might even stand to have a lesson at the video touching on the various ones and the most used. This would help keep the lesson video focused on the topic.


Most of the time my modifier is on one on the viewport and two for render.
Only for 3D printing, I have higher render levels.
Turn smoothing on objects for lesser .

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Yes, thing is this is supposed to be an environments course and perhaps too much is actually modelling. You are right, but it is not a modelling or general course, just how much should it get side tracked?

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Depends on who the target audience is for the course, and should one of the other courses be a pre-requisite for this course.

If for absolute beginners to blender, then it warrants a section on modeling basics and modifiers.

If for more advanced users then no need to cover the basics at all.


I think it is something in between those. I can’t see anyone much starting out using Blender that says Oh I will start with texturing and materials. It may well be an early follow up specialisation course, but rarely a complete beginner. IMO.

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