Mixamo Question

After texturing my model with ex. a walking animation, if I wanted it to also have a sitting animation, do I import the mixamo sitting animation and retexture that all over again? Or is there a way to not have to retexture everything for every other animation?

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I believe you just need to select and download a different animation from Mixamo. Not sure why you had to retexture anything for the first one? You may well have had to adjust the weight painting a bit. That adjusted weight painting should work with a new Mixamo animation.

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Following the course we had to make the model without textures first, then select a Mixamo animation - export it to FBX - import the FBX, and then texture that animated model. If I texture it beforehand this probably would be solved lol, I think Grant did it that way to avoid glitches


Ah good point, I skimmed that section as it was not of real interest to me. :zipper_mouth_face:

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Mesh, texture, rigging, etc. are all different aspects of 3D. They are related but also they aren’t.
It all depends on the experience of the creator.
If you have a mesh not suited for rigging then you can have problems. If your UV-Mesh isn’t good then you can expect problems with textures. If your model isn’t base don a human, then your rig doesn’t fit and you can expect problems. This is also for Mixamo, which uses animation based on a normal person. All those differences can add up and make it necessary to tweak the model.
You need a lot of experience to make something that will work in most common animation situations.

Blender has something called NLA-editor where you can store, manipulate, edit sequences of animation parts. Like from standing to walk mode, walking, and stop. From stop to sitting etc. But only if all the aspects of you model (mesh, uv, armature, etc.) it will work. But you need also a lot of additional properties to make the animation sequences smooth.

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