Mixamo problem

I was watching CG Dive do the EXPY kit tutorial and I did what he did in the video. However, for some reason, when I imported the walking animation for my duck, there were only two frames of the walk.

What is this? What is going on? And how do I fix this? I need to understand what this is, what’s going on, and how to fix this, please. The version I am using is 3.4.


You can repeat the walking cycle, using the NLA editor (advised).

You can also duplicate the correct sequence of the walk keys.

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I understand what you mean by using the NLA, but I don’t understand when you typed: “Repeat the walking cycle” and the last sentence. Do you mean that I upload it again with the NLA window open? Also, what is the more proper or correct way to use Mixamo? Because I did what CG Dive did and it didn’t work. So, I think that his way does not work with me.
Just please help me.

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A walk cycle is just one step.
Left foot to front, then right foot to front. Is just one cycle.
You need to repeat this.

  • You can do this in the NLA editor
  • Or you copy the walk cycle keys over and over in your time line.
    But I do not know what kind of walk cycle mixamo provides …

Also check your (render) time line?
Is it as long ans a single walk cycle?

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