Missing video file

The Holding Sword_Idle Animation_Front View.mp4 video file is missing in the new Grant Abbitt Blender Animation & Rigging: Bring Your Creations To Life course.
In the section “Idle - Holding Weapon - Setup”.



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This should now be fixed,

Apologies for any inconvienance

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Hi Marc, the link for the video is leading to a page that says “Sorry We Couldnt Find That Page”. Just wanted to let you know. Great course btw!

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Thanks for the heads up, The upload team checked and saw the link was there but it does indeed lead to a error page.
I have chased the upload team to get this resolved today!

Edit :- The video is now embedded below the lecture video and also a download link is available to the bottom left corner of the embed. We had some issues with it linking the video file before but this seems to fix this

Apologies for not getting this resolved on the first pass


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