Missing ressources for this lecture?

Hey there,

I was trying to reiterate over the lectures content using the provided resources, but it seems the normal map, cavity map and color map are missing. Nothing crucial, just wanted to ask if maybe they really are missing or I just missed them somehow.

You can see the purple rendering thats, if I remember correctly, an indicator for missing textures:

I was using the wodden crate complete version.

Thanks in advance!

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Yes purple means in Blender missing, as in:

  • they aren’t available
  • they are in a differen locations, and you should check the path to the resource.

Also you do not say what course, what lecture. There are usually ‘tags’ that can with effort be back traced to identify these things. But not on your post.


@NP5 I was assuming it would setup the tags for the specific course/lecture for me when I would click ask unter said lecture:

This is also where I check if a question has been asked for that particular lecture. Now when I click that it brings me to the community page:

And as indicated on the page I was assuming this not readable “ID” or tag would be enough for the instructors or system to pickup where I came from and link it back to the lecture. As it seems it doesnt.

I then went ahead and tried editing the post to see for myself which tags I can find and tried something like “Blender Character Creator…”, “Lecture …”, “Section …” but it doesnt really show any tags that I would find reasonable enough or specific enough. Adding my own custom tags with enter didnt work either.

I have to say I love the courses and the community is whats really the best in here, but the tagging system might have been implemented a bit more obvious.

Care to give me a short tipp on how to find the tags I want in the search If you want?

Thanks for the help as always!

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Personally, it helps me just to see a screen dump of the current challenge. Which is just via the ‘Window’ menu bar top left-hand side.
On that menu dropdown is ‘save screenshot’.


As mentioned on your other thread, it seems a glitch in the system.
Yes normally the tags work well in one direction, getting the posts grouped to a lecture. Just where people not actively doing that lecture look at questions to help or pick up tips is in the general list of all questions as they are asked. Which takes a little detective work to back trace to a lecture to get an idea of what is meant to be going on.
All soon to be on a new system with new bugs! :rofl:

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good tipp, thank you! Will try to do so in case i got another question (highly likely :D)

so true :smiley: but I can atleast try to find some threads by searching manually in the meantime. Thanks again for pointing that out!

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