Missing prefabs

Looking forward to exploring the code and seeing what I can pick up.

However, a few small issues when first opening the project.

Does Unity not know to open the correct scene when first opening a project? It initially opens in “Untitled”. This is disorienting.

A nitpick about the repository: normally a repo doesn’t have a single folder inside the top-level repo folder. So in my case, it is “Inventory/Inventory”. The second folder seems redundant.

Another suggestion about the repository: use tags to avoid warnings about “detached HEAD state”. Inxperienced git users may be confused and worried by such errors. Whereas checking out a tag will not create those errors. If the tag is named “Lecture 1” or something, it will make intuitive sense. Also, commit messages should describe what changes the commit introduces. It’s always good to demonstrate good repo hygiene, even if the course isn’t really about git!

When I open the “Sandbox” scene (why is it called that?), I immediately get errors about missing tree prefabs. Also, at the top level of the project hierarchy, a “UI” prefab is missing. I assume these will get fixed in some way, but these errors are confusing.

I am able to run the scene just fine, however.

Thanks for your efforts and attention.

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