Missing - Cover System & Aim Percentage

Really enjoying the course so far, but surprised to find some really important mechanics missing, which were in the demo video.

In the course prototype announce video, a “crucial game mechanic” around calculating a hit percentage in the shoot action is discussed (see the link it’s discussed at 13:05) https://youtu.be/ezlkGhFBrmg?t=784

I’d like to add this but I can’t see it in the course videos or in the final code at Assets/Scripts/Actions/ShootAction.cs · main · GameDev.tv / Unity Turn-Based Strategy / Turn Based Strategy Course · GitLab

There’s also a another “crucial system”, cover mecanic in that video (https://youtu.be/ezlkGhFBrmg?t=609) that I also can’t see. Were these cut from the course?

I actually never saw @CodeMonkey 's original YouTube promo for the course, So I only know what it includes from taking it and being the Teaching Assistant for the course.

Hit Percentages, and Overwatch are not included in the course game, I believe they were part of his XCom tutorial series on YouTube itself. Hopefully Hugo can give us more clarification there.

I will note that with hit percentages, if you’re quick (very quick!) you can see everything he did to make them happen within his XCom project.

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