Mismatched windows size

I have just finished the video lecture and when I loaded the .uss and .uxml into the UI for some reason the scaling is different.

The other (less important) issue i had was trying to get the actual UI to go over the top of the UI editor. is there a way to do this or is it just make sure I have the UI at the top so i can grab it over the top of the UI editor?

What do you mean?

When i have the UI open (opened through the menu bar at the top) and then open the UI editor, The original UI vanished behind the UI editor and alt tab does nothing (all unity windows are the one app)

Are you meaning The UI Builder window? If not, what’s the UI Editor?

If so, it’s a dockable window. Move it around, zoom in, zoom out to where you want in. When you’re finished with it, close it.

Sorry my bad, i did mean the UI Builder. I call it UI editor. as a general way i find with all of unity’s UI’s. when you have them looses (not docked) and you open another one it opens over the top making it annoying to go back and get the other one. for instance the game window (camera view) behind the UI editor. You can’t alt tab to it

No you can’t. It’s part of the same program. I had that happen to me tonight. I had to move the main screen to find it.

This happens quite often, as the system interprets the UXML and USS and applies it, and it doesn’t always match the preview.

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