Misleading course photo

Is there any reason why we are doing this guy

Instead of this guy

Or has the lockdowns gotten to him as well? It’s a bit misleading to be fair.

Enjoying the course so far but have been surprised that a section on a full manual retopology wasn’t included.

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You get the reference for both orcs, so its up to you if you want to do both.

No it is not.


In essence this course is about the techniques to model any character, so if they displayed a picture of a manatee (or whatever) it would not have been misleading in any way.

Objectively, that is the most misleading statement in this thread. There is a lecture on this and I think Grant handles it perfectly given the level it is aimed at… the rest of the retopology section is still relevant whether you do manual or auto-retopology.


Ah, ok my bad, thanks.

I really would like a full manual retopo video. I think understanding topology for character animation would be of huge benefit to this course.

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No problem… :+1:

If you follow Grant’s low-poly tutorial on his personal YT channel, the basic principles that apply to Low-Poly animation apply to re-topology-design. i.e. more loops by bits that deform, etc. :man_scientist:


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