Mirror Modifier - Knight Challenge

So I made my low poly horse, I wanted to make it more detailed (conserving the low poly art of course) but I made a mistake and to be honest I don’t know if there is a way to solve it.

So the thing is that I tried to experiment with dissolving most of the internal edges of my horse but I got carried away and I eliminated all of them just leaving the outside edges… Of course I tried to Ctrl+Z but I didn’t have to many steps to undo and I was left with a well shaped horse on the front and the back but very sharp and clean horse on the sides.

To remedy a bit the model to not look too sharp and clean on the side I used the bevel tool on the edges to give some contour (and not gonna lie it looks pretty good on object mode)

it is possible to generate some volume to the sides with a modifier or tool? generate edges in some way? or I’ll just have to add edges manually and work my way out again to give some volume to my horse?

That’s my horse in question, I liked the shape he got but I want to see if I can make it better from the faces that don’t have any vertices at all to manipulate it.
knight model


Note: Save your progress regularly to a new file. Blender save has (right of the filename) a plus and minus sign, which increases a version number.

Your mesh is gone!

  • Start all over …
  • In edit mode. You select can two opposide vertices (two selected), and press j. It will create an edge, dividing the face in two. The magic starts when this edge crosses an other edge, vertices will be created automatically.
  • You can use the knife tool. More freedom, but you need to learn how to use it comfortly.

Let us know, if it works.


Well you could use the knife tool to create edges and verts back in that flat side face. Then you have the verts to move. Though it may be as easy to start that bit again. Whatever works for you, many ways with Blender.

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Thanks for the tips!

I’m gonna do this way, probably is the method that approach to the solution I’m wanting. I’ll edit the post if it works.

Oh yeah I used the Knife tool before, I was trying to use it but there is a thing about the tool… it doesn’t take the two faces at the same time and it kinda messes with the shape in general, if there is a way to use the knife tool with the two faces at the same time please let me know!

Yeah, I should start versioning my project, I always saved at the same time but well one learns by doing mistakes so lesson learned. And now that we are on the topic of versioning, I’m a programmer too so I’m used into git and versioning, in the Unreal course I learned about SourceTree, a miraculous software for easy git versioning that even helped me on versioning into gitlab on my irl job, so can I use git versioning for blender files? at least locally? or is not recommended? I would love to hear your opinion on that aspect.

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So I used the tools you mentioned but suddenly when I was doing the vertices again I remembered from the courses the combination ctrl+T on edit mode, and even that my geometry count went to the moon I managed to make a horse more like my reference and not so plane at the sides, now it even have eyeballs!

Whatever feedback everyone want to give to my horse you are mostly welcome

And as a note, I really want to know about the save versioning thing that I asked before.

Again thanks for the tip!

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Yes, you can use GIT. But GIT registers changes in a code-rows. While Blender is just a file.
What I (and most people) do is to add a file number to your file.


Blender has a nice feature (smart too) to in- or de-crease file numbers.
It’s much simple to use. Deletion of old, obsolete files can be done later.


Okay, you have managed it!
You created triangles. Faces with 3 vertices (see red).
Good mesh is to have faces with four vertices (see red).
You connected the vertices using j, which is good.
But picking the good ones, see green and yellow.
Those will give you quad faces (with four vertices).
These quad faces, makes it possible to add an **edge loop) (see blue line).
Resulting in more vertices to work with, more fluid organic objects.

What you did is not wrong at all!!!
But probably you’ve experienced a problem in adding more details in an easy way.
Don’t let this stop you!
It is not a obstacle for the rest of the lessons!


Hey the edge count was a real good advice for future projects!! I’m gonna use it whenever I have something like that showed up. Thanks again for the explanations very clear and useful!

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