Mikey, the zombie Caterpillar

Overdid a tiny bit the exercise, but had fun making Mikey, never used Metaball before. Very interesting, but i think Zsphere(zbrush) would make things easiear, but one cost 800€ the other is free, so, Blender as always, makes a hell of a job for free :wink:


Very nice texturing work.
Yes I think in time the paid software will struggle to justify themselves. Blender is forging ahead in capability and closing the gap on these overpriced alternatives. I also like that it is so versatile and does so many things without changing program.


Thanks! :smiley:

I think there will be always space for all of them. Yes, blender its fantastic and i believe can become much, much bigger, specially with the amount of investment being made. BUT it can´t be the best at everything. But who knows, only time will tell :smiley:

You should have included this in the Blender Weekly Collab - it would have been perfect ! :grin:

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Challenge? Where can i find weekly challenges? I love them, makes me move my lazy a.s and sculpt something :rofl:

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Weird name but it has its own section.
Get modeling! :grin:

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@NP5 you’re too fast again.

@CapAwesome_3D, you can ask @FedPete to add you to a Collab alert list. You can leave a message on the current “fruit” event.

This means each week you will get a little message telling you of the next event.

And you can go vote on the current Arthropod event, which unfortunately only had a very few entries.

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I love Mikey The Zombie Caterpillar :joy:

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