Might be a while here lol

now i have got my head into it i am loving sculpting my imagination is off big time like when you look at clouds loving life atm


okay things are getting off track lmao


Amazing details on your model, I’m excited to see your final model!


thank you i just cant stick to the tutorial its like looking at the clouds and being able to shape the images you see


That’s a good point, whenever I only stick to the tutorials it’s as if I’m only scratching the surface, whereas whenever I go out and do my own stuff, I find that I push myself to go farther, and it really strengthens my skills.


yeah i cannot wait to get to that point, just worried i am going to be sculpting from now on hahah


Who knows, maybe you’ll get even better that way!

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well rip that i forgot to save NOOOOO :anger:

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:dizzy_face: oh that would suck

Look for the autosave.
File, recover, autosave.

Great character, sculpt.

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Didnt work it only auto saved the first 1 damn it haha guess i will work on keeping to the lesson first and then let my imagination off

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