Mid-Section challenge - Simple Bedroom

A simple bedroom setup. The whole bed and nightstand were made by extruding a cube. The pillow was a UV sphere that I stretched out from the center then deleted the extra edges in the middle. It was fun creating shapes in a way I have never done before. And the lighting and camera setup are probably my favorite thing to do.

I just ran into an issue where a couple of the vertices were not attached to the correct edge and it created an odd shadow in the final render. I had to do some troubleshooting to try and figure out a solution but I figured it out!


Welcome to the community!

That’s very nice render! Well done!


Thank you so much!


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That is a great bedroom scene. Starting from basic shapes.
You could bevel the edges of most of the items to soften them a bit, more so for the mattress.


Thank you!

I attempted to bevel the mattress, but it was part of the whole bed mesh and connected vertices wouldn’t bevel in the right way. I separated the mattress from the frame and then I was able to bevel it. Thank you for the suggestion, learned something new through this process!

(I also added another book to the nightstand because the way the last one was sitting didn’t make sense :sweat_smile:)



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