Mid-Section Challenge: Multi-Story Car Park (Section 2)

So here is my first attempt at a slightly bigger project. I know the lighting is a bit dodgy and there isn’t much detail, but I’m pretty proud! Each level is its own object, with details like the lights being separate objects and I think I had to use most things taught in the course to get this result!

Onwards and upwards :slight_smile:


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Nicely done, and a different sort of subject.

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Welcome to the community.Nice work.Looks great.You can add some sort of object if you want to highlight its size.

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Welcome to the community :slight_smile:

Good looking car park and don’t worry about “dodgy” lighting or “less” detail.
The further you go with the course, the more you practice and learn more techniques.
So keep going on and always be proud of what you doing ^^

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