
Personally I think it would have been easier to just use a couple primitives and then use the sculpting tools but maybe I’m just not good at using these metaballs yet. That said, if the metaballs were animated I could see some cool effects being created. Anyhoo here is my basic shape. I tried to keep some symmetry but it seems difficult with metaballs.


Your probably right. There is always more than one way of doing things in blender so you can always find what works best for you and for the project you are working on. I beleave it was just for the sake of introducing metaballs.

Mines not as cool as that at all, but I had trouble with it and I had to solve a few of my problems. I didn’t use anymore reference material then my pet rabit and this is what I got. I will be adding more like a crease where it’s hips are.


Yours is just fine. You’ll add most of the detail in sculpting mode. I do like the chocolate bunny look though.

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