At first I started out with a crawly worm. It wasn’t very good. I converted it to a mesh so I could color it in and lost my go back when Blender quit on me.
I looked at some of the artwork people had posted and realized I had to up my game since we are going to be sculpting in a few lectures.
Here is my new beginning.
One thing I noticed while I was positioning the palms and the thumbs is that the blobs (metaballs) would change shape as they were being moved in 3D space. I modeled the palm forward and up to the right of Groot so I could get the basic shape. I positioned it in the proper spot on the X and Z looking from the front. When I set Y to zero the palm disappeared. Control-Z to bring it back out. A repeat of Y = 0 made the palm disappear. So, I decided to move it on the Y into position. While slowly moving the palm along the Y axis I noticed the palm changing shape and disappearing as it moved. As it moved along the shape would morph and disappear again and again. I think this is strange behavior. Is this normal? The two thumbs are shift-D copies.
Right now you can see his right thumb is detached. I wonder what will happen if I move the whole model forward slightly, like 5mm or so. Well, as I move the entire model the thumb doesn’t change. When I move just the thumb it disappears and reappears but never gains the same shape as the one on the other hand. Would upgrading from Blender v2.81a help?
edit: I installed Blender v3.01 for MacOS and get the same result with the thumb metaball.