Here’s my basic mesh rabbit
Adding the ears and sculping the head. My evening’s progress.
I think I’m going to redo the topology too because there are way too many tris and I want to perhaps animate it later on. That’ll be a day’s work probably…
I think I’m finished with sculpting the basic shape now.
I reduced the vertices to more than 25% less than what they were.
(I had 130,000 vertices+. Now less than 20,000 vertices by reducing my topology.)
There are only 2 tris that I know about now, the rest are quads, so I’m really happy.
Here’s how it’s looking now.
I lost some detail removing polys but I have the original so I can return to it whenever I want.
Plus, I’m not completely happy with the front paws or the back legs. I think the front and back paws should be closer in size to each other, and the back legs look a bit flat around the joint so I might adjust those if I find the motivation.
For now, I’m just going to continue…
Great looking rabbit!
Thanks Corune!