Messed Up Coordinate System

So I just realized almost 40 lectures into this section that I’ve managed to completely screw up my coordinate system. In lecture 7.162 I can see the instructor setting up defender buttons, and placing the background and defender sprite buttons at integer coordinates - (3,6), (5,6), etc. I’m following the video but my coordinates are remarkably less clean.

I hadn’t realized this problem earlier since during the earlier lectures covering attackers and defenders we were instructed to separate the sprite renderers into separate body objects that could have their coordinates adjusted while leaving the parent object at sensible integer coordinates.
Can anyone provide advice on how to go about correcting this? I can’t recall which lecture(s) went over setting things up right and would rather not rewatch 40 lectures to try to find hints where I went wrong.

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If all of the other objects in the scene are not quite at the desired coordinates, but are ok in relation to each other, can you not just select them all and move them down/across a little?

I had a similar issue, and just went through and reset all the prefab Transforms. Then moved to body child objects to the left corner of the 0,0 world grid…and then went back to the prefab and moved the collider accordingly.

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