Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Thank you all so much for your participation in our community during the last year.

We really appreciate all of the feedback we have received, your course content ideas and, of course, seeing all of the fantastic work that you have shared. It has been wonderful to share in your successes during 2017.

We would like to wish all of our students, and community, a peaceful, happy, healthy and successful New Year for 2018.

Best wishes,

Ben and the Team


Thank you, and its been an absolute pleasure being part of this community!

Merry Xmas Lads and Ladettes, hope you all have a happy holiday, and a prosperous new year!

Heres Chez Obo (inc dog), we were all in Xmas onsies ready for our xmas eve buffet and movie :slight_smile:


Love it Daz, hehe, so much fun! Have a good one :slight_smile:


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